Zucchini Chips
Zucchini Chips

Hello everybody, it’s me again, Bethany, welcome to my recipe website. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, zucchini chips. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I’m gonna make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Zucchini chips; a healthier alternative to potato chips! I came up with the recipe for zucchini chips because I always bought the bags of veggie straws at Costco. A healthy paleo-friendly snack recipe that is loaded with flavor and crunch, yet light in calories!

Zucchini Chips is one of the most popular of current viral foods in the world. It is appreciated by millions daily. It is simple, it’s quick, it tastes delicious. Zucchini Chips is something which I have loved my whole life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

To begin with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can have zucchini chips using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Zucchini Chips:
  1. Prepare 1 Zucchini
  2. Get 2 tbsp Olive oil
  3. Prepare 1 dash Salt
  4. Prepare 1 dash Black pepper

Why are zucchinis so ubiquitous these days? It's not like you'd sink your teeth into it raw. But when you spiralize them and heat them in a frying pan with some olive oil, they. Or, bake a large batch in the oven.

Step by Step to make Zucchini Chips:
  1. Cut the zucchini thin as u can. Pre-heat oven to 225
  2. Put in a bowl and mix oil pepper and salt together.
  3. Line a pan with wax paper. And place zucchini in pan single layer.
  4. Put in oven. Bake for 1 hour then flip and bake for another hour or until crisp
  5. Then enjoy

Follow these tips to get a quick and perfectly crisped chip no matter how you. These low carb baked zucchini chips are an easy peasy snack that both kids and adults will love! They're served with a tasty avocado green goddess dip and are paleo, AIP, and Vegan. These zucchini chips are extremely easy to make and even easier to devour. Plus, they're super affordable to make as well.

So that’s going to wrap it up for this exceptional food zucchini chips recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure that you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this site in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading, I hope My page becomes “the place to be” when it comes to zucchini chips cooking. Go on get cooking!