For the Love of Biryani's
For the Love of Biryani's

Hello everybody, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, we’re going to prepare a special dish, for the love of biryani's. One of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

We all love our biryani, be the regular chicken and the occasional mutton when we have more money to spare and of course the fish biryani. From the name itself and one glance at the menu you know you're in for a hardcore North-Indian food affair. Biryani originates originally in Persia and was introduced in India by the Arabs.

For the Love of Biryani's is one of the most well liked of current viral foods in the world. It’s appreciated by millions every day. It is easy, it is fast, it tastes delicious. They’re nice and they look fantastic. For the Love of Biryani's is something that I’ve loved my entire life.

To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook for the love of biryani's using 11 ingredients and 33 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make For the Love of Biryani's:
  1. Prepare Ginger (1/2 inch)
  2. Make ready Chilli (3-5)
  3. Prepare Garlic (2 cloves)
  4. Take Canola Oil vegetable oil or any other (2 tbsp)
  5. Make ready Potatoes
  6. Get Bell Peppers -Red,Green and Yellow(cut into thin slices)
  7. Take Carrots -Cut into Julienne
  8. Make ready Masala Chat
  9. Prepare Lemon Juice
  10. Take Pepper Ground Fresh
  11. Get Salt

Bengalis may prepare biryani with potatoes thrown in with meat. Called the Great Indian Food Trip, this is a series of travel exploration into the hinterlands of India rediscovering some of the most iconic and even lost treasures of Indian cuisine and food For the love of biryani Craving a good biryani but fed up of choosing between the usual veg and chicken? Regal biryanis are crafted exclusively for the discerning palate. Hand-picked ingredients, recipes curated over years of exploring the subcontinent, strict quality control, and an incurable love for food make for a premium yet value for money experience.

Steps to make For the Love of Biryani's:
  1. Basmati Rice(2 fistful for one person, usually a persons stomach size is the size of his/her fist)
  2. Water(depends on the rice variant
  3. Onions(2)
  4. Ghee(to garnish at end)
  5. Spices:
  6. Aniseed(1-2)
  7. Cloves(2-3)
  8. Cinnamon (small stick)
  9. Dry Red Chilli (1-2)
  10. Bay Leaf(1)
  11. Peppercorns(quarter tea spoon)
  12. Turmeric(1 tea spoon)
  13. Black Pepper(1 tea spoon)
  14. Red chilli Powder(1/2 tea spoon)
  15. Cumin(1 tea spoon)
  16. Coriander seeds(1/2 teaspoon)
  17. Dry Mango Powder(1/2 teaspoon)
  18. Salt to Taste
  19. Soak the rice in water for 15-30min.Temper the spices 1-11 on dry heat for 2-3min till the aroma starts to come, make sure to do this on low flame.You can coarse ground the spices or leave them as it is.
  20. Cut potatoes in chunks and dunk in cold water or freeze for 10min(this makes them crispy)
  21. Next take about a tablespoon of oil and bring it to high heat.
  22. Add potato chunks and pan sear till light golden
  23. Take out on a kitchen paper towel to soak excess oil
  24. Season with chat masala, salt,freshly ground pepper and lemon
  25. Keep them aside for adding at the end
  26. Next in a wok or pan add 2 tbsp oil and bring to medium heat
  27. Add onions,chilli,ginger and garlic and sauté till onions become translucent
  28. Add bell peppers,carrots and sauté for a couple of minutes
  29. Add the tempered spices and cook for a minute or so
  30. Then add soaked rice along with water(1.5inch height of water with good quality basmati is enough) in the same wok.
  31. Cover the wok and let it cook in steam
  32. Once completely cooked top it with chahtpatay aloo, lemon slice and slit chilli
  33. Add ghee and fresh onion while serving

This blog is dedicated to all the biryani lovers and friends. This is a forum to share the warmth of our favourite food, to appreciate the history of those biriyani serving legends, to satisfy our gastronomic love for the dish and to come together for the love of the one and only King of all foods, the BIRYANI. That marks the start of my love for the dish that continues to grow to this day. The key indicators that make up a good plate of biryani are a balance of spice, aroma, texture, and a healthy serving. A lot of variations of biryani exist today such as Bombay Biryani, Sindhi Biryani, Lucknow Biryani etc.

So that’s going to wrap it up with this exceptional food for the love of biryani's recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this webpage in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading, I hope this page becomes “the place to be” when it comes to for the love of biryani's cooking. Go on get cooking!